Salmon Sitara jutti
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All#3Layer #accesories #accessory #beachvibe #beachvibejewellery #beachy #blackandwhiteaccessory #blackandwhitejewellery #BlackandWhiteMask #BlahBlah #BlahMask #blueaccessory #bluelove #book #bookaccessories #bookaccessory #bookaesthetic #bookaesthetics #bookishlife #booklover #booklovers #bookmark #bookmarkcollection #bookmarks #bracelet #butterfly #butterflyaccessory #butterflyjewellery #charm #charms #comfortablemasks #Covidmasks #dailyaccessory #dailywear #Dailywearmask #Designermasks #earrings #elegant #elephantcharm #evileye #evileyeaccessory #evileyeblack #evileyeheart #evileyejewellery #evileyeprotection #evileyepurity #evileyewhite #Facemasks #fashion #fashionaccessory #fashionjewellery #giftsforher #giftsforwomen #goldaccesssory #goldhoops #goldjewellery #goldlove #hamsa #hamsacharm #hoops #infinity #jewellery #love #mangalsutra #mark #marks #mattchoker #mattnecklace #MensMask #minimalistic #motherofpearl #necklace #necklacejewellery #necklaces #pinkhoops #pinklove #pompom #pompoms #printedmasks #puritycharm #read #reading #readingcommunity #readmorebook #readmorebooks #reelitfeelit #stylish #tassel #trending #trendy #VA #vanshikaahuja #VAESSENTIALS #VAMASKS #vanshikaahujava #Vanshikahuja #Vanshikahujava #watch #watch charm #watchaccessories #watchaccessory #watchcharm #watchcharmbracelet #womensMask all that glitters All that Glitters jutti All That Glitters kids All That Glitters kids jutti AUTO AUTO CLUTCH auto on black jutti autojuttis back open back open jutti backlessjuttis BANARSI JUTTI BE CHAINED BE CHAINED JUTTI be puzzled beach wear Beach wear jutti Beachwear Flipflops Beachy Vibes Flipflops beads beads embedded BEAT beatkolhapuri BELL WITH BASE BELL WITH BASE GOLDEN Kolhapuri bell with base silver bellwithbase billi black black and golden jutti Black and white blast Black and white blast jutti Black and white jutti black and white stripes jutti Black Back Open Jutti Black beauty Black beauty jutti black cape black dress black embedded jutti black embellished jutti Black Ghunghroo black ghunghroo jutti black golden jutti BLACK jutti black maxi dress BLACK MONEY BLACK MONEY JUTTI Black punk ( fabric) Black punk ( fabric) jutti Black Punk Silver Black Punk Silver jutti Black Spyked BLACK SPYKES BLACK SPYKES BLAZER BLACK SPYKES JUTTI black star Black Star jutti black star tasseled Black Star Tasseled jutti Black Tasseled Cape black top black white black.embellished cape blackandwhite kolha BlackBackOpenJutti blackfootwear blackjutti Blackjuttis blackpunk blackspikes BLACKSPYKES BLACKSTAR blah blah Blah Blah Jutti blak blazer blshing gold blue BLUE BORDER blue camera jutti BLUE CHAM CHAM JUTTI Blue cham cham kids Blue cham cham kids jutti blue clutch blue colour blue dress. blue embellished jutti blue gown blue jutti Blue KAIRA Cape Top BLUE PANDA BLUE PANDA JUTTI blue stones jutti blue velvet dress Blue-eyes Blue-eyes jutti Blueborderkolhapuri blueembellishedkolhapuri BLUSH blushing charcoal Blushing charcoal jutti blushing gold Blushing gold jutti boho vibes Boho Vibes Kolhapuri Bohovibeskolhapuri Bollywood BORDER bow bowkolhapuri bridal jutti bridal wear jutti bride mates Bride's Brigade Bride's Brigade jutti Bride's Treasure Bride's Treasure jutti brocade brocade kids jutti BROCADE SABYA BROCADE SABYA JUTTI brocaid sabya brown brown jutti butterfly jutti butterfly kids jutti camera camera embedded camera jutti cape cape top casual wear casual wear kids jutti cat print celebstyles chain embellished jutti chains chappal chappal jutti Chappal on Juttis Chappal on Juttis jutti chashma Cherry cheer Cherry cheer jutti cherry cheer kids cherry cheer kids jutti Cherry Cheer Kolha Cherrycheerkolhapuri CHHAM CHHAM chic jutti chic kids jutti CINDERELLA (Gold) CINDERELLA (Gold) jutti CINDERELLA (Silver) CINDERELLA (Silver) jutti Cinderella golden kids Cinderella golden kids jutti classic classic cluthes classic jutti CLICK A SELFIE CLICK A SELFIE jutti Click A Selfie Kids Click A Selfie Kids jutti clothing CLTCHES clutch clutches clutchs cluthes COIN Coinage Jutti Coinage Jutti jutti cold shoulder crop top cold shoulder dress colorful jutti Colour Me Happy Colour Me Happy jutti Colour Me Knot Colour Me knot kolhas colourful comfortable comfortable jutti comfortableflipflops CONICAL SPYKES TOP contemporary dress Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan jutti crop top dark spykes DARK SPYKES Kolhapuri DARKSPYKESKolhapuri DELIGHT denim DENIM ( Light blue ) denim butterfly Denim butterfly jutti DENIM BUTTERFLY KIDS DENIM BUTTERFLY KIDS jutti denim jutti Denim Tie Ups Denim Tie Ups kolhapuri designer blazers designer cape designer cluthes designer dress designer Flipflops designer footwear designer gown designer hairbands designer jutti designer kolhapuri designer kolhaspuris designer top designerblazer designercape designercluthes designerFlipflops designerhairbands designerjuttis Dig in Gold Dig in Gold jutti Disco 82 Disco 82 jutti disco jutti Diwali sale Dog Print DREAMY BLUE One shoulder Gown Duckling Arron Duckling Arron jutti Duckling jutti edgy footwear ELECTRIC BLUE BLAZER elegant cape elegant dress embellished blazer embellished cape embellished cluthes embellished dress embellished gown embellished hairbands embellished JUTTI embellished top embellishedFlipflops embellishedkolha embellishedkolhapuri embrodered EMBRODIRED embroidered embroidered cluthes embroidered hairbands embroidered jutti emojis ethnic footwear ethnic kids jutti evening wear evil eye eyes fashionable jutti festive kids jutti Festive Steps Festive Steps Jutti Festive Steps kolhapuris FestiveStepskolhapuris Festivity Festivity jutti fish embellishment fish jutti fizzygoblet flamingo Flamingo jutti flamingo print Flat FLAT JUTTI flat juttis Flat Kids jutti flat spykes Flats Flipflops floral jutti flowers FOOTWEAR french knot embellished jutti Fuschia love Fuschialove GARDEN BLOOM GARDEN BLOOM JUTTI Geometric Get Tasseled kolhapuri ghunghroo Ghunghroo Flipflops GHUNGROO ghungroo embellised kids jutti ghungroo embellished jutti ghungroo jutti ghungroo kids jutti ghungroo kolhapuri ghungrookolha Girl BOSS Girl BOSS KOLHAPURI Girlboss glamourous kids jutti Glitterati Flipflops Glitterati gold Kids Glitterati gold Kids jutti Glitterati Golden Glitterati Golden jutti Glitterati SILVER Glitterati SILVER jutti Glitterati Silver Kids Glitterati Silver Kids jutti GLITTERATI SPYKES CAPE glitters gold gold jutti GOLD PINCH GOLD PINCH hairband GOLDEN golden and black jutti golden and gray jutti golden and silver ghungroo golden blue GOLDEN BLUE JUTTI GOLDEN BLUSH GOLDEN BLUSH JUTTIS GOLDEN BLUSH Kolhapuri golden coin embellishment GOLDEN DELIGHT GOLDEN DELIGHT JUTTI golden embellished jutti golden embellishment golden embellishment on jutti golden embroidered jutti GOLDEN EMBROIDERY ON PINK JUTTI Golden Festivity (K) golden floral kids jutti GOLDEN GHUNGROO golden ghungroo footwear Golden glitter golden glitter jutti Golden Glitterati Golden Glitterati Jutti Golden Glory (Sabya) Golden Glory (Sabya) jutti golden jutti golden kids jutti golden kolhapuri Golden Opportunity Golden Opportunity jutti Golden Rays Golden Rays jutti Golden Rays Kids Golden Rays Kids jutti golden sabhya GOLDEN SABYA GOLDEN SABYA JUTTI golden sequence golden sequin embellished jutti golden sequin jutti Golden Sheesha golden silver ghungroo golden skypes kolhapuri golden spykes golden spykes embellished jutti golden spykes embellishment golden spykes emellished jutti Golden Spykes Flipflops golden spykes jutti golden spykes kids jutti golden stars on black GOLDEN TREASURE GOLDEN TREASURE jutti golden work on jutti GOLDENBLUSHKolhapuri GoldenFestivity goldenghungroo goldenghungrookolha goldenghungrookolhapuri goldenkolhapuri goldenspykes gota gota patti gota patti work on jutti gown Granite gold Granite gold CLUTH Granite gold jutti green GREEN PINK KIKA GREEN PINK KIKA JUTTI grey Grey Line Grey Line hairband hairbands handbags handmade cluthes handmade hairbands handmade jutti handmadeflipflops Happy Colours Happy Colours jutti headband headgeaar headgear Hello Kitty (kids) Hello Kitty (kids) jutti hiss HOUNDSTOOTH KIDS HOUNDSTOOTH KIDS jutti HOUNDSTOOTH PRINT HOUNDSTOOTH PRINT KIDS JUTTI HUKUM EKKA HUKUM EKKA JUTTI hukum ikka Ice Cream factory jutti Ice Cream factory jutti kids icecream jutti IN THE BOX IN THE BOX JUTTI indainfootwear indian bag indian bags indian footweaer Indian footwear Indian Jutti Indian Juttis indiandesigner INDIANFOOTWEAR Indigo Love Indigo Love jutti It got EDGIER JUTTI It got EDGIER!! Jhilmil Jutti jimmy shimmy JIMMY SHIMMY JUTTI junglee Junglee Billi Junglee Billi jutti jutti jutti addict jutti collection jutti for life jutti lover jutti made with love jutti swag jutti swagger juttilove JUTTIS juttis under a budget kala chashma Kala chashma JUTTI khussa Kids kids footwear kids jutti kids juttis KIDSfootwear KIKA kika dual KIKA DUAL JUTTI KISS THE HISS kiss the hiss jutti Kiss The Hiss Kids Kiss The Hiss Kids jutti kitty jutti kitty kids jutti kohlapuri kohlapuris Kolha Kolhapuri kolhas KOLHPURI latest designer jutti leather leather footwear leather jutti leather kohlapuri leatherkolhapuri Let's clink Let's clink jutti light blue jutti LIGHT COLOR Light Pink Light Pink jutti LightPink lohri special jutti love jutti Makeupholic Makeupholic jutti Maroon jutti Maroon Mirror jutti Maroon Mirror Zari Maroon Mirror Zari jutti marsala chain Marsala chain jutti mary go round Matt Gold Kids Matt Gold Kids jutti mattgold maxi dress metal coins metal embellished jutti Metallic Gold Metallic Gold jutti Metallic Silver Metallic Silver jutti Metallic Silver Kids Metallic Silver Kids jutti MICKEY AND MOUSE mickey mouse MICKEY MOUSE JUTTI Mickey Mouse Kids Mickey Mouse Kids jutti Mickey Mouse print kids jutti mickey print MILITARY GREEN ONE SHOULDER MIRROR mirror embellishment on jutti Miss Avant Grade Miss Avant Grade JUTTI Miss to Mrs. Miss to Mrs. jutti mojari mojris Monochrome Magic Monochrome Magic JUTTI multi colour Multi colour Tie Ups Multi colours MulticolourTieUps NAGRAS nautica love nautica love jutti Navy Blue Scallop Cut Navy Blue Scallop Cut cape Navy Blue Scallop Cut top Needledust one shoulder cape one shoulder designer top one shoulder dress one shoulder gown one shoulder top party wear jutti party wear kids jutti partywear partywear cape partywear dress partywear dresses partywear jutti partywear kids jutti Pastel Pop Pastel Pop jutti patch PATCH JUTTI PEACH peach kolha peach kolhapuri Peach pom pom Kolhapuri Peach-Pink floral Peach-Pink floral jutti PeachpompomKolhapuri Peachy panda Peachy panda jutti Perfect Match Perfect Match jutti Perfect Match kids Perfect Match kids jutti pink PINK & RED SPYKES kids PINK & RED SPYKES kids jutti pink and golden embroidered kids jutti pink and golden kids jutti pink embellished jutti PINK EMBROIDERED PINK EMBROIDERED JUTTI Pink jutti pink kids jutti pink mirror Pink Mirror Back Open Pink Mirror jutti Pink Pearl Zari Pink Pearl Zari jutti PINK ROOM Pink Room hairband PINK ROOM JUTTI pink sabhya PINK SABYA PINK SABYA JUTTI PINK SPYKES kids PINK SPYKES kids jutti pinkembellishedjutti pinkjutti PIPES Pistachio Sitara Pistachio Sitara jutti PITCH BLACK PITCH BLACK jutti Plain plain jutti plain red jutti plain white jutti plainjutti POM POM pompom jutti pop of colour pop of colour jutti Pop of Purple Pop of Purple jutti printed printed garden bloom Printed Jutti printedjutti Punjab di jutti punjabi jutti punk jutti Puppy Love Puppy Love jutti Purple quirky Rainy day Rainy day jutti red RED ALERT RED ALERT jutti red and black kitty jutti red and golden embroidered kids jutti red and golden kids jutti Red Embroidered kids Red Embroidered kids jutti red jutti Red Nakshi Red Nakshi jutti Red Paladdin Red Paladdin jutti Red Pearl Red Pearl jutti red pink sabhya RED PINK SABYA RED PINK SABYA jutti Red Ted Red Ted jutti robbot rolling eyes Rolling eyes jutti Rolling Eyes Kids Rolling Eyes Kids jutti Roseate Royal Perfection Royal Perfection jutti S.A.V.A.G.E SABYA INSPIRED SABYA INSPIRED jutti sabya jutti SAFE SOLE SAFE SOLE jutti Salmon Kika Salmon Kika jutti Salmon Sitara Salmon Sitara jutti savage savagekolhapuri SEQUENCE sequence kids jutti SEQUENCE ZIG ZAG SEQUENCE ZIG ZAG jutti sequin and shells embedded flipflops sequin embellished jutti sequin jutti sequin kids jutti sequin patch kids jutti sequnce Sexy SHAADI SAGA SHAADI SAGA jutti shadi shells embedded flipflops SIGNATURE JUTTIS silver Silver Cham Cham Kids Silver Cham Cham Kids jutti Silver Cinderella Silver Cinderella jutti silver colour SILVER CUBES SILVER CUBES hairband silver embellished jutti Silver embellished Kolhas silver embellishment SILVER GHUNGROO SILVER GHUNGROO jutti silver ghungroo kids jutti silver jutti silver kids jutti SILVER MIRROR SILVER MIRROR jutti SILVER RAYS SILVER RAYS jutti Silver Rays Kids Silver Rays Kids jutti silver sequin jutti silver spykes Silver Spykes embedded flipflops silver spykes embellished jutti Silver Spykes Flipflops silver spykes jutti SILVER SPYKES Kolhapuri silver work silver work kids jutti Silvered Silvered (Kids) Silvered (Kids) jutti silvered jutti silverghungroo silverkolhapuri SILVERSPYKESKolhapuri SKIP A BEAT SKIP A BEAT CAPE SKIP A BEAT CAPE DRESS SKIP A BEAT CAPE TOP SKIP A BEAT KOLHAPURI Skipabeat SKIPABEATKOLHAPURI Slider smiley smiley jutti so cool SO COOL jutti soft Solid Black Solid Black jutti Solid Brown Solid Brown jutti solid color jutti Solid Pink Solid Pink jutti Solid Red solid red colour Solid Red jutti Solid White solid white colour Solid White jutti Solid White Juttis Solid Yellow solid yellow colour Solid Yellow jutti solidcolor solidjutti Something Fishy Something Fishy jutti spikefootwear spikes spikesjutti spyked jutti spykes spykes embedded flipflops spykes embellished jutti SPYKES JUTTIS spykes kolhapuri Spykes Tie Ups Flip Flops SPYKES TOP SPYKES WITH PIPES spykesfootwear Sterling Black Sterling Black jutti stone STYLISH CAPE stylish jutti super star Super Star jutti Tangerine Gold Tangerine Gold jutti tasseled Tasseled Cape Te Amo Te Amo jutti Teen patti texture jutti thread work Tippy Tippy Tap Tippy Tippy Tap jutti top tradional jutti traditional jutti traditional kids jutti Treasure Spyked Treasure Spyked jutti tredy jutti trending hairband trending jutti trendy jutti TRIBAL FEVER TRIBAL FEVER jutti TRIBAL print Tribal Vibes TribalVibes trible print jutti Unicorn Magic Unicorn Magic jutti unicorn print unicorn print kids jutti va va jutti VA juttis vanshika ahuja vanshika juttis VANSHIKAAHJA Vanshikaahuja vanshikacluthes vanshikaflipflops vanshikahairbands Vanshikajutti vanshikakolhapuri vanshikakolhapurii velvat velvet velvet dress we be cool WE BE COOL JUTTI WEDDING BLUES Wedding blues hairband WEDDING BLUES jutti wedding clutch Wedding Spyked Wedding Spyked jutti What The Fish What The Fish jutti Whatsapp ?? Whatsapp ?? jutti white white and blue stones embellishment white black WHITE GOTA PATTI WHITE GOTA PATTI jutti White Gota Patti Kids White Gota Patti Kids jutti white jutti WHITE SPYKES BLAZER WHITE VICTORY WHITEVICTORY WINE COLD SHOULDER SPYKES SKIRT-CROP TOP SET wine crop top wine dress WOMAN JUTTI WOMEN ACCEOSRIES women accesories WOMEN BAG women clothing women dresses WOMEN FOOT WEAR women footwear Women Jutti Women Juttis women outfits womenblazer womencape WOMENFOOTWEAR yellow yellow jutti Yellow punk ( Fabric) Yellow punk ( Fabric) jutti YELLOW SPYKES kids YELLOW SPYKES kids jutti zari zari embellishment ZIP IT ZIP IT JUTTIS ZIP IT JUTTIS jutti Zip it kolhapuri ZIP IT MAXI DRESS ZIPPER ZIPPING SPYKES ZIPPING SPYKES jutti
Salmon Sitara
$35.99Original price was: $35.99.$23.99Current price is: $23.99.These juttis are sure to take your breath away.The delicate french knots,the colour,the fabric,everything about this is so rich and opulent. Available in 2 colours